Alternative Dispute Resolution Training

AAA Internet Security Training, 2019, Arbitrator Performance and Demeanor ~ Meeting Participant Expectations, 2018; Advanced Training in Healthcare Mediation, 2017; AAA Exploring Critical Issues in Arbitration, 2016; ABA Section of Dispute Resolution mid-year meeting, Effective Advocacy and Management in Arbitration, 2015; AAA Managing the Arbitration Process for Efficiency & Economy

Following the Preliminary Hearing, 2013; College of Commercial Arbitrators

Annual Training, and Meeting, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014,2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009; New York State Bar Association, Section on Dispute Resolution, Annual Updates, 2013, 2012; NYSBA, Crisis in the Courts, 2011; AAA Maximizing Efficiency & Economy in Arbitration: Challenges at the Preliminary Hearing, 2011; What Recent Discoveries in Neuroscience Can Add to the Art of Negotiation and Practice of Mediation, 2011; AAA, Muscular Arbitration: Trimming the Fat Out of Arbitration, 2011; CT Bar Institute, Inc. Let’s Get the Lead Out! Arbitrators, Outside Counsel, Clients and Arbitration, 2010; AAA/ICDR Neutrals Conference: Electronic Discovery, Chairing ICDR Panels, Managing the ICDR Guidelines, Update, 2009; AAA Ask & Answer: Arbitration, 2008; ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Spring Conference, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2003; ICDR The Common Law/Civil Law Gap: The Issues and How International Arbitrators May Resolve Them, 2006; AAA Dealing with Delay Tactics in Arbitration (ACE004), 2005; AAA Arbitrator Roundtable on Discovery: Enough is Enough, or is it?, 2004; ICDR/AAA, International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America, 2004; AAA Arbitrator Roundtable: The Revised Commercial Arbitrator Code of Ethics, 2004; AAA Neutrals Conference, 2003; AAA Arbitration Awards: Safeguarding, Deciding & Writing Awards (ACE001), 2003; AAA Arbitrator Update, 2003, 2002; AAA Commercial Arbitrator II Training: Advanced Case Management Issues, 2001; AAA Basic Commercial Arbitrator Training, 1999; AAA Neutrals Retreat, 1998; various other ADR and Mediation training.