Roy L. De Barbieri, Esq.,

De Barbieri & Associates Consultants

Roy L.docx Panel card 2020  (Download link)

Current Employer-Title  De Barbieri & Associates – Full time Neutral, Arbitrator, Mediator, Fact-finder, Commercial, Construction, Franchise and Family and Probate Matters

Profession Full-time Commercial Arbitrator, Mediator; International Trade Consultant; Business and Real Estate Developer, Attorney at Law

Work History Retired Partner, De Barbieri & Associates, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LLC; Of Counsel to Zangari, Cohn,Cuthbertson, Duhl and Grello, PC:  Attorney, Private ADR Practice, 1988-presesent. Partner, Schine, Julianelle & De Barbieri, 1989-94; Partner, CO.GE.PA, S.r.L, Turin, Italy, 1988-94; President, Chevron Ties International, 1983-84. 

Experience Forty Eight years of experience primarily engaged in a business law practice in, Connecticut, New York, and Massachusetts including, but not limited to bankruptcy, workers’ compensation, real estate, foreclosure, consumer, franchise, probate and estates, creditor’s rights, business law, real estate development, contract default disputes, foreclosures, employment disputes, contract enforcement, asset recovery, divorce and family law, landlord/tenant matters, leasing, zoning and land use, salvage and admiralty, and environmental compliance. Represented real estate developers in matters valued up to $100 million. Represented city governments and is a legal consultant for European companies. Experience also includes representation of commercial and consumer clients before State and Federal Public Utility Control, Transportation, and various administrative agencies.

As investor, experienced in real estate development, housing, and construction law matters. Former Connecticut worker’ compensation commissioner at large. Small claims hearing judge in over 300 cases between 1977 and 1993. Member of the Governor’s Housing Task Force. Designed and built State Plaza office building in New Haven Connecticut 1988. Service Award, The Republic of Italy, 2003; Rank of Commander, Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, House of Savoy, 2004.

Adjunct Professor, Quinnipiac Law School.

Alternative Dispute
Resolution Experience

Experienced as an Advocate, Neutral and Instructor in arbitration and mediation, sole arbitrator, and panel member, including AAA, private, and international arbitration and mediation. Since 1988 served as an arbitrator in approximately 495 matters, involving issues of liability and damage allocation of up to $40 million.

Also arbitrated franchise, real estate matters, and construction matters, major national franchisee disputes, banking regulation and compliance, employment disputes, partnership buyout disputes, fee disputes, contract disputes, and attorney fee disputes, major partner/auto dealer dispute and real estate valuation cases.

Mediator experience in the Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Commission as at Large Commissioner. Most recently mediated an international Commercial dispute with claims to $950 million dollars. Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
Member of AAA Commercial, Consumer, and Large Complex Case Panels in CT, NY, and MA, CT ADR Center Panel, Fellow, and Chair of Law Firm CLE Education Committee, The College of Commercial Arbitrators.

Alternative Dispute
Resolution Training

AAA Internet Security Training, 2019, Arbitrator Performance and Demeanor ~ Meeting Participant Expectations, 2018;  Advanced Training in Healthcare Mediation, 2017; AAA Exploring Critical Issues in Arbitration, 2016; ABA Section of Dispute Resolution mid-year meeting, Effective Advocacy and Management in Arbitration, 2015; AAA Managing the Arbitration Process for Efficiency & Economy

Following the Preliminary Hearing, 2013; College of Commercial Arbitrators

Annual Training, and Meeting, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014,2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009; New York State Bar Association, Section on Dispute Resolution, Annual Updates, 2013, 2012; NYSBA, Crisis in the Courts, 2011; AAA Maximizing Efficiency & Economy in Arbitration: Challenges at the Preliminary Hearing, 2011; What Recent Discoveries in Neuroscience Can Add to the Art of Negotiation and Practice of Mediation, 2011; AAA, Muscular Arbitration: Trimming the Fat Out of Arbitration, 2011; CT Bar Institute, Inc. Let’s Get the Lead Out! Arbitrators, Outside Counsel, Clients and Arbitration, 2010; AAA/ICDR Neutrals Conference: Electronic Discovery, Chairing ICDR Panels, Managing the ICDR Guidelines, Update, 2009; AAA Ask & Answer: Arbitration, 2008; ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Spring Conference, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2003; ICDR The Common Law/Civil Law Gap: The Issues and How International Arbitrators May Resolve Them, 2006; AAA Dealing with Delay Tactics in Arbitration (ACE004), 2005; AAA Arbitrator Roundtable on Discovery: Enough is Enough, or is it?, 2004; ICDR/AAA, International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America, 2004; AAA Arbitrator Roundtable: The Revised Commercial Arbitrator Code of Ethics, 2004; AAA Neutrals Conference, 2003; AAA Arbitration Awards: Safeguarding, Deciding & Writing Awards (ACE001), 2003; AAA Arbitrator Update, 2003, 2002; AAA Commercial Arbitrator II Training: Advanced Case Management Issues, 2001; AAA Basic Commercial Arbitrator Training, 1999; AAA Neutrals Retreat, 1998; various other ADR and Mediation training.

Professional Licenses Admitted to the Bar: Connecticut, 1973; U.S. District Court, District of Connecticut, 1973; U.S. Supreme Court, 1977. Licensed Real Estate Agent, Connecticut, 1982.

Professional Associations

The College of Commercial Arbitrators (Director and Fellow); Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; American Bar Association; Connecticut Bar Association (Section on ADR, Past Chair), Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London, National Italian American Bar Association, AAA National Panel of Mediators.

Education Mount St. Mary’s University (BS-1969); Cleveland State University, Cleveland Marshall College of Law (JD-1972).

Publications and Speaking Engagements

CT Lawyer Magazine, March 2020, “How Courtroom Attorneys Can Flourish In Arbitration”.

CT Lawyer Magazine, September 2018, “The New CT Revised Uniform Arbitration Act”,

Presenter, ADR Section CBA, “Advocacy in Pre Hearing Conferences, September 27, 2017; “Presenter, Ct Bar Institute, ” Managing an Arbitration”, June 12, 2017; Presenter, “Advocacy Skills in Arbitration”, CT Bar Institute, June 11th 2016: Presenter, “Drafting Arbitration Clauses”, Baker Hostetler, New York City, June 2013; Presenter, “CCA/Tenn Bar Assoc. CLE “Drafting the Arbitration Process You Want and Need”, November 2012; Presenter, “Arbitration of Family Law Matters”, CT Bar CLE program, May 2012; Presenter, “Drafting and Implementing Modern ADR Clauses: How Business Lawyers and Litigators Together Can Get Better Results When a Deal Goes Bad”, CT Bar CLE program, March, 2012;

Presenter, “Mediation and Arbitration Advocacy for the Family Lawyer: The Basics”, CT Bar CLE program, December 2011; Speaker,” Employing Dispute Resolution Clauses”, at the NACVA CPE program, November 2011; Presenter, “Lower Cost Arbitration” CT Bar CLE program, Greenwich, CT., May 2011; Speaker, “The CCA Protocols: Making Arbitration less expensive and more effective,” Connecticut Bar Association Annual Meeting, June 2010; Presenter, “ADR 101,” CT Bar Association/CLE program, Sept. 2010; Presenter, “Managing Your First Arbitration,” CCA/AAA/JAMS, Connecticut Bar Association CLE, May 2010; speaker, “Disclosure Practice,” Connecticut Bar Association, Section on Dispute Resolution, 2009; Lead Presenter, “Ethics of Disclosure,” ADR Center Advanced Arbitrator Training Seminar, 2008 and 2009; Lead Presenter, “Arbitrator Insight, 20-20 Case Management Interactive Seminar,” ADR Center, New Britain, CT 2009; Faculty/trainer, General Commercial Arbitrator training, ADR Center, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.

Citizenship : United States of America

Languages English; Italian

Locale    New York City, N.Y., and Madison, Connecticut, United States of America


Hearing: $3400.00/Day, (minimum 8 hours first hearing day).

Administration and Study: $425.00/Hr,  (minimum charge of 1 hour daily for any service).

Cancellation: $425.00/Hr

Cancellation Period: More than 2 Days before hearing.